Thursday, February 19, 2009

And Here's the Aftermath

So here's the sad end of Mr. Rubber Duckie
Dejected and Defuncted

Here is one of the many cupcakes I baked. Samantha decorated the majority of them though.
But this one I did. Well most of it anyway. She put the eye and beak on.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Molly's Birthday Duck

I was told that I HAD to blog these pictures.
So here they are.
This is Molly's Birthday Cake that I made for her very first Birthday.
Hope she likes it!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Angel or Time Bomb?

I say angel

But I think Daddy's face might say different..........

Do not disturb!

So tender!

A Little California Fun

I'm sure everyone knows but I went on a little trip to Califorrnia just after New Years.

So here are a few shots to commemorate the trip.

Good old Uncle Scott and my most favorite of all my female California cousins Ashlie!

Aunt Chris poking her head out in true rock star form with her groovy shades.

I had a lot of fun with my awesome fam, even though i didnt get to spend a ton of time with them.

But oh i will!

I did a good amount of bridge traveling while I was there, as you can see.

Randy knew about this awesome vantage point.

I basicly got a shot of the whole bay.


Now I'm going to have to say that this was the highlight of my trip.

I love the ocean out here!

And thats why you all get so many shots.

I hope everyone can see this. It very well could be wishful thinking, but lets hope not.
In the center of this picture is ,what looks to be a pearl!
How awesome would it be if I took a picture of a pearl.
I'm gonna say i did.
Pat me on the back world!
We all know i deserve it.
The next few pictures are of the same wave coming in.
I have tons of these. There is just something mesmerizing about waves.
I could watch them all day.

Loved the splash!

And lastly, this sunset. Not to shabby, eh?

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Here are a few shots I took when I was back home hunting. I thought some of these turned out purdy cool.